About this blog

This blog was created by network of researchers and scholars who are interested in the development of capital cities, especially in the period after 2008 global economic crisis. We are hoping that it would become effective tool for an exchange of ideas, information and news in the area of our research interests. At the moment it is mainly European colleagues who participate in this network but we are eager to learn the experiences and cases from across the world. It is open to all who are interested in these issues and we welcome your comments and contributions. 

Some studies and surveys from across Europe demonstrate that in ‘old EU’ many of the biggest cities are suffering the most from recession, while in new EU members and in Eastern Europe it is rural areas that suffer while cities and capital cities in particular are able to sustain their growth (or to minimise the decline). Despite being the most integrated into the global economy, capital cities usually have very diversified economy and potentially can manage the crisis consequences better through risk diversification. But it is also the way cities are managed and the types of businesses they attract, as well as the quality of human and social capital that are important in mitigating the negative consequences of global economic crisis.

Our Research Network is looking at various cases of capital cities’ reactions in the wake of global economic crisis and at different dimensions of mitigating the consequences: government policies, business adjustments, social and human innovations, perceptions and brands of the cities – whether they have changed after the crisis.   

We are grateful to Regional Studies Association for the grant which will support our research network activities in the nest two years (2011-2012). 

You can become member of the network or recommend your friends and colleagues to join us at any time. Just write to omrinska@gmail.com to be included in the mailing list and to receive the latest updates.